[ I looked out of my windows to stare at the rains...]
There were the huge black clouds in the sky,
Had the monsoons arrived already?
Aren't they too early this time?
A drop here...and another there....
One on the just opened rose in my garden...
I walked out...as though it would help me take in the smell of the wet soil....
The moist air...and the fragrance of the wet earth....
Aaaaah......So familiar....yet,so ruthless!
The drops, bigger now...fell in pours....and soon I was drenched
Drenched with the memories of another day...
A day which had been so perfect in my life....
With the winds caressing the few strands of unmanageable hair away from my face....
And whispers of I-love-you....in my ears....drenched with the rains...
I looked back to see if you said anything...but you were quiet...
Staring outside...seeing the huge drops splattered on the black pitch of the streets
Did you not say anything to me, I ask myself...
An urge to hold your hand and ask, well refrained...
An urge to let you whisper in my ears....
A prayer let out silently to the clouds above-don't stop the rains tonight...
A despair....of feeling the goodness seep inside me
What a day god! What a beautiful day......
To fall in a vast ocean of endless water of unfathomable waves
....to drift away....
A feeling so dangerous, yet so desired
To know death is imminent and yet do nothing about it....
Did I remember the story of the red rose?
Of the nightingale that sung....till the thorn pieced it's tiny heart?
Wouldn't I love to feel a similar pain?
Of wrenching my heart again and draining it out
To love....and drown in your love?
Till I could feel nothing else but love?
....A thunderclap....and I saw a huge mahogany turn ashes infront of my eyes.....
Has anyone ever seen the love of gods? Would it look somewhat like what I just saw?
kaapiye diyechis to guru...aami lekhar bhasha khuje pachhina...great goin sweetheart
read the god of small things today. always late, always on my own time. i keep forgetting me & find a stranger inside. glad to find people remembering, knowing who they are, have been. mebbe someday i'll write my own book. all arty-farty. this of course has nthng to do with your blog, which by the way has a beaut. third entry. excuse my incoherence if you find it so. but then you know how i am
hey i hav a blog presence. read my and other ppl's crappity stories at writinginpractice.blogspot.com. and come to blabberwocky, the ju eng dept blod
beautiful post .i love the poem.congrats.
love n peace
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